March 26, 2022

FunYay Friday 03/25/2022

FunYay Friday 03/25/2022
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Creating Daily

Billy and Sid will be bringing some Friday fun to celebrate the wonderful world of creators. Feel free to join in on the shenanigans and who knows, we may actually learn a thing or two.

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WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:08.119 Now here's something we hope you really like. You're listening to creating daily. 2 00:00:08.439 --> 00:00:11.720 There's something wrong with you. You know that because you and I are like 3 00:00:11.759 --> 00:00:15.439 a mullets. It is the is the business. So he's the front part 4 00:00:15.439 --> 00:00:18.399 of the haircut and then I'm the party in the back. I think they're 5 00:00:18.480 --> 00:00:25.199 hilarious. Speaks to me. It's like he's saying what I'm thinking. What 6 00:00:25.480 --> 00:00:30.320 is up everyone? Happy Friday, this is fry, a fun day Friday. 7 00:00:30.480 --> 00:00:34.679 Yeah, let's get it going. I do. I have a special 8 00:00:34.679 --> 00:00:37.960 cohost that's going to be joining me in just a second. In some of 9 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:41.719 you might go, why are you bringing this guy on to cohost your show 10 00:00:41.759 --> 00:00:45.079 and, besides him begging me every week to be a part of my production? 11 00:00:45.679 --> 00:00:48.079 I actually talked to my tax guy and my text guy said, you 12 00:00:48.079 --> 00:00:52.320 know what, if you could find a senior citizen and having them volunteer on 13 00:00:52.359 --> 00:00:56.119 your production, maybe a couple few times a month, then you might go 14 00:00:56.359 --> 00:00:59.640 to get an additional tax right off. So we're gonna have a lot of 15 00:00:59.640 --> 00:01:03.640 fun today. I'm excited to be celebrating the first official week of creating daily, 16 00:01:03.760 --> 00:01:07.719 were I've been going a live every single day, talking to creators. 17 00:01:07.719 --> 00:01:11.319 Really just a highlight them, bring together the community of creators, learn, 18 00:01:11.480 --> 00:01:15.120 grow, inspire and courage and hopefully entertain, which is what we plan on 19 00:01:15.159 --> 00:01:19.120 doing today. However, we don't really have a great plan for that, 20 00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:23.719 so maybe it will just come together all right. So, without further ado, 21 00:01:23.840 --> 00:01:27.840 my senior Citizen Friends Gets Goos Today Sind Meadows. What's up, my 22 00:01:27.840 --> 00:01:33.439 friend? Dude, that's like the rudest thing I've heard and like I really 23 00:01:33.519 --> 00:01:38.319 know. However, I was back here laughing the whole time because it's kind 24 00:01:38.319 --> 00:01:41.200 of funny. Reach out your tax guy, whatever. Did you know? 25 00:01:41.400 --> 00:01:44.519 I might be in my s, but I do not qualify for a senior 26 00:01:44.560 --> 00:01:48.439 citizen. I certainly don't act like one, that's for sure. Yeah, 27 00:01:48.480 --> 00:01:51.079 you don't. You don't qualify for one, not at all. I mean, 28 00:01:51.079 --> 00:01:53.439 maybe on paper, but but not an attitude and all that kind of 29 00:01:53.439 --> 00:01:57.200 stuff. You're pretty sure you're not funny about that. Billy is on the 30 00:01:57.439 --> 00:02:05.319 when you turn forty nine and a half. Okay, you start getting aarp 31 00:02:05.519 --> 00:02:09.560 stuff in the mail like every week. Yeah, you start getting emails from 32 00:02:09.599 --> 00:02:15.719 them every week. And I refused to join this. Refuse to join the 33 00:02:16.080 --> 00:02:19.240 RP. What I mean, how you get it. So it starts at 34 00:02:19.240 --> 00:02:22.560 one. At Age Forty Five, you can do start. It starts fifty, 35 00:02:22.599 --> 00:02:25.039 but at forty nine and a half they start sending you invitations to join, 36 00:02:25.280 --> 00:02:29.240 and I just refused to join. I know you get discount. Go 37 00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:38.120 See, but I'm it's American Association of retired people, so higher even close 38 00:02:38.159 --> 00:02:42.599 to retirements. I refuse to join. Every day, though, I get 39 00:02:42.599 --> 00:02:45.680 an email from them asking me about there this week this timing will be there 40 00:02:45.759 --> 00:02:52.719 March daily special to join live in the AIRP or whatever. Well, I 41 00:02:52.719 --> 00:02:54.120 don't know, man, maybe they got something for you. Maybe should check 42 00:02:54.120 --> 00:02:57.919 it out. Well said, I do want to keep the show a little 43 00:02:57.960 --> 00:03:00.639 bit on track, as I always do every day I have been doing this. 44 00:03:00.680 --> 00:03:05.479 So I do want to jump over into a creator highlight. You guys 45 00:03:05.599 --> 00:03:10.080 know what's up. Creator highlights. New Cooking necessary and new assembly required. 46 00:03:10.599 --> 00:03:15.960 It's got to be fun, all right. So today's creator highlight and today's 47 00:03:16.159 --> 00:03:19.680 news are going to be kind of joined together. But before I get into 48 00:03:19.680 --> 00:03:22.680 the highlight, I want to talk to my talk about my friends maybing coffee 49 00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:28.520 over maving coffee co and go to maving coffeecom. They specialize in small batch 50 00:03:28.599 --> 00:03:31.639 coffee. So it's literally award winning microlots that are hands selected by the Maven 51 00:03:31.719 --> 00:03:36.719 team from Columbia. So they actually just got back from Columbia going down there 52 00:03:36.759 --> 00:03:40.479 too, small farms in hand picking the types of coffee that they want to 53 00:03:40.560 --> 00:03:44.879 share, and they also include like a step by step guide so you can 54 00:03:44.919 --> 00:03:47.400 make that coffee the correct way and get the best value out of it. 55 00:03:47.639 --> 00:03:52.800 So yeah, go check those guys out. If you haven't said you've drink 56 00:03:52.840 --> 00:03:54.319 mayving coffee, I got you the hook up over there right. You've tried 57 00:03:54.360 --> 00:03:58.639 it, you sure did. I've got a bag of it over there by 58 00:03:58.680 --> 00:04:00.919 my coffee pot now. So it's good stuff. I like it. I 59 00:04:00.960 --> 00:04:04.680 got it in my coffee in my a, my Larry the limb and Coffee 60 00:04:04.719 --> 00:04:09.520 Mug right here. If you're watching, it's not a folcus somewhere. It's 61 00:04:09.520 --> 00:04:13.199 going to make it. This just takes forever that we go Larry Hats where 62 00:04:13.280 --> 00:04:15.800 the limit over here. So anyway, if you know who Larry the limit 63 00:04:15.919 --> 00:04:19.079 is, go follow me on Instagram and you will know that on occasions. 64 00:04:19.079 --> 00:04:23.240 But anyway, back to the Creator highlight. I want to highlight this room 65 00:04:23.240 --> 00:04:27.600 and it's actually going on right now in the Og club here on clubhouse is 66 00:04:27.600 --> 00:04:30.920 cold. I'm not leaving this room until Mr Beast joint has been over fifty 67 00:04:31.079 --> 00:04:34.480 six hundred people at the time of this screen shot. Now I don't know 68 00:04:34.519 --> 00:04:39.120 what it is right now. By the time of the screen shot, they 69 00:04:39.120 --> 00:04:44.240 are basically having a sit in on this room until Mr Beast comes. So 70 00:04:44.639 --> 00:04:47.519 I'm a big fan of Mr Beast and so I've been over there in staid 71 00:04:47.600 --> 00:04:55.120 for about twelve hours or so on well side of that room. You've been 72 00:04:55.279 --> 00:04:58.519 in the room for twelve hours. Well, I was in the room for 73 00:04:58.600 --> 00:05:01.160 like five hours, I think, and then I went to bed and I 74 00:05:01.160 --> 00:05:03.199 don't think I had stayed in the room. I think had just turned my 75 00:05:03.199 --> 00:05:06.639 phone off and then I got jumped back in the room earlier more when I 76 00:05:06.639 --> 00:05:12.480 woke up. And I think at this moment, at our two o'clock this 77 00:05:12.560 --> 00:05:15.240 time, has been twenty four hours since they've been running that room. So 78 00:05:15.600 --> 00:05:18.319 it's pretty cool. Okay, so the beast hasn't joined yet, but we'll 79 00:05:18.319 --> 00:05:23.439 see if it happens. I have two questions. What are they talking about 80 00:05:23.480 --> 00:05:27.120 for twenty four hours? Just random nonsense, just kind of talking. I 81 00:05:27.120 --> 00:05:30.040 know who will is will wind back, but it's talking. I didn't know 82 00:05:30.040 --> 00:05:34.000 who he was. Like googled them, but yeah, so they just been 83 00:05:34.040 --> 00:05:38.360 talking, been having fun. I made some stingers for the room that they've 84 00:05:38.399 --> 00:05:41.639 been taking, that they've been using. You know, it's been pretty cool. 85 00:05:41.680 --> 00:05:44.800 I'm going to play a couple of those right now, please. This 86 00:05:44.879 --> 00:05:48.920 is the OG club. Elex not leaving this room, Mr Beast joints, 87 00:05:49.199 --> 00:05:53.439 let's go. All right. So that's one. So they've been playing the 88 00:05:53.439 --> 00:05:56.040 crap out of that one. And then I was like I'm gonna make another 89 00:05:56.040 --> 00:05:59.759 one. So I made this one. Talk to me, just to be 90 00:06:00.040 --> 00:06:00.800 get in here. We're going to tell your mom. You see, cuts 91 00:06:00.800 --> 00:06:05.519 fords, this is the O G club. If anybody knows Mr Bas okay, 92 00:06:05.560 --> 00:06:09.639 that's funny. What he does interviews. If he cusses, he'll be 93 00:06:09.680 --> 00:06:11.800 like a can you? Can you like give me a copy of that where 94 00:06:11.800 --> 00:06:14.319 it's well, I'm not cussing so I can show my mom or whatever. 95 00:06:14.360 --> 00:06:16.920 So and then the last one I made, I'll share that one with you 96 00:06:16.959 --> 00:06:20.079 as well. Jimmy, we know you're out there. Now it's time to 97 00:06:20.120 --> 00:06:26.079 come home to Thog Club. This is the Og Club House. And now 98 00:06:26.120 --> 00:06:30.600 will fire. Oh my goodness. So, yes, really, go ahead 99 00:06:30.600 --> 00:06:38.639 to ask you. I ask you a question. WHO IS MR BEAST? 100 00:06:38.959 --> 00:06:42.759 Get the freak out of here. Are you getting me? Oh Yeah, 101 00:06:42.800 --> 00:06:46.759 oh my goodness, only the number one youtuber on the planet in two thousand. 102 00:06:46.920 --> 00:06:51.680 Okay, twenty one. Yeah, man, Super Cool Guy. He 103 00:06:51.759 --> 00:06:57.120 probably became. I think the first brand deal he ever did was he was 104 00:06:57.160 --> 00:06:59.360 like or may you know? I can't remember me. I've watched a bunch 105 00:06:59.399 --> 00:07:03.040 of interviews, but he basically was trying to get a brand to sponsor his 106 00:07:03.120 --> 00:07:06.759 content. He like started out as Gamers, like for twelve, thirteen, 107 00:07:06.800 --> 00:07:11.839 fourteen, year old whatever. He's only twenty three. And okay, this 108 00:07:12.000 --> 00:07:14.439 brand like approached him. I was like, yeah, we'll give you five 109 00:07:14.519 --> 00:07:17.680 grand to make a video, and he's like, give me ten grant and 110 00:07:17.720 --> 00:07:20.279 I'll go give it away. I'll like walk outside of my door, I'll 111 00:07:20.279 --> 00:07:24.000 give it to a homeless Guy Right now. And so that's what he started 112 00:07:24.040 --> 00:07:29.560 doing. Man. He literally took all the money from his from his youtube 113 00:07:29.600 --> 00:07:32.600 account and any brand deals and just gave it all away. And so now 114 00:07:32.600 --> 00:07:38.439 he's got a bunch of philanthropy things. He owns a food what he called 115 00:07:38.480 --> 00:07:42.079 US Food Pantry, one of the biggest food pantries in North Carolina feeding a 116 00:07:42.199 --> 00:07:45.079 bunch of people. Man Does a lot of cool stuff as a creator. 117 00:07:45.079 --> 00:07:46.160 So, yeah, okay, that's really cool. said. Now, I 118 00:07:46.319 --> 00:07:51.920 understand the logo on that he had on the screen, but also I see 119 00:07:51.920 --> 00:07:56.839 Phil and clubhouse has the logo, the Mr Beast logo, the Carolina Little 120 00:07:57.360 --> 00:08:01.160 Panther with the pink thing. Okay, sorry, I didn't know who he 121 00:08:01.240 --> 00:08:03.240 is. I'll have to go and check out his content. Yeah, man, 122 00:08:03.360 --> 00:08:09.879 it's it's pretty cool. It makes dude crazy videos. I mean probably 123 00:08:09.959 --> 00:08:13.399 some of the most creative videos I've seen on Youtube, and I think it's 124 00:08:13.399 --> 00:08:16.279 why it's number one, because they spend a ton of money. Like they 125 00:08:16.319 --> 00:08:18.800 read this squid game. You know, it's squid game, is said or 126 00:08:18.839 --> 00:08:22.720 I need to explain that one too. If we weren't on camera right now, 127 00:08:22.759 --> 00:08:26.480 I would make it up scene just towards you. Would use my fingers 128 00:08:26.560 --> 00:08:31.200 creatively to show you a bird. I've never watched squid games, but yes, 129 00:08:31.279 --> 00:08:33.919 I know what Squid Games are. Yeah, so, anyway, so 130 00:08:33.960 --> 00:08:39.120 he recreated the whole thing basically like a twenty five, twenty seven minute video 131 00:08:39.200 --> 00:08:43.840 and in man spent like four million dollars on that thing. Oh and by 132 00:08:43.840 --> 00:08:46.840 the way, if you're joining us on Clubhouse, if you join us on 133 00:08:46.879 --> 00:08:50.159 Bullhorn, please interact either in the chat or come up on stage. is 134 00:08:50.279 --> 00:08:54.600 going to be a not a super super quick episode, but I got to 135 00:08:54.639 --> 00:08:58.679 be out. I get a hard stop at the forty five minute mark as 136 00:08:58.720 --> 00:09:01.919 my wife and our or she's going to go just some fun stuff and I'm 137 00:09:01.919 --> 00:09:05.360 going to hang with the kid, which is also fun. But feel free 138 00:09:05.399 --> 00:09:07.960 to come up if you want to. I saw somebody raise their hand. 139 00:09:09.840 --> 00:09:13.960 A question, though. Know about Mr Beast. Okay, all right, 140 00:09:13.759 --> 00:09:18.159 what are you guys doing to get him in the room, besides hosting a 141 00:09:18.240 --> 00:09:20.639 room? I mean, what's going on here to get him to come in? 142 00:09:20.840 --> 00:09:22.639 All right, so this is a good question, man, and I 143 00:09:22.639 --> 00:09:26.240 think this is a really creative, you know, way these people are doing 144 00:09:26.279 --> 00:09:30.639 it, but they're basically reaching out to everybody knows somebody, and so they're 145 00:09:30.639 --> 00:09:33.399 reaching out to the people that they know that know him. So like they've 146 00:09:33.399 --> 00:09:37.200 reach out to his manager, reach out to his friends on twitter, on 147 00:09:37.639 --> 00:09:43.360 Instagram, reach out the followers. You know, there's all these people that 148 00:09:43.399 --> 00:09:46.159 make I mean this kid has a I shouldn't say kid, but this young 149 00:09:46.200 --> 00:09:50.279 guy has a ton of staff, I mean hundreds of hundreds of people who 150 00:09:50.320 --> 00:09:54.519 work for him in North Carolina there, and they like I mean just for 151 00:09:54.559 --> 00:09:58.759 instance, they just bought like a hundred thousand square foot facility to make these 152 00:09:58.840 --> 00:10:03.879 videos for like a studio. Wow, I mean this guy is making like 153 00:10:03.919 --> 00:10:07.759 one of the things he does said, as he'll bring like fifty people into 154 00:10:07.799 --> 00:10:11.279 a room with the Lamborghini in the middle and say everyone, put your hand 155 00:10:11.360 --> 00:10:13.200 on it, and they do and they he goes, okay, the last 156 00:10:13.200 --> 00:10:16.960 person to leave wins, like you get to keep the car, and those 157 00:10:18.080 --> 00:10:20.639 be the like hours. Yeah, he buried himself for faty hours at one 158 00:10:20.679 --> 00:10:24.000 time, like it was pretty crazy, man. So I'm trying to put 159 00:10:24.039 --> 00:10:26.480 some topics up here as well, but anyway, so, yeah, that 160 00:10:26.720 --> 00:10:31.559 is that's you know. I mean he does a lot of different stuff. 161 00:10:31.679 --> 00:10:35.840 Super Super Smart Creator, Super Smart Business Person. So yeah, we we've 162 00:10:35.879 --> 00:10:41.480 been tweeting like crazy. I've been putting those stingers on twitter. We've been 163 00:10:41.519 --> 00:10:43.720 doing a bunch of stuff. If Phil is actually in there with us. 164 00:10:43.759 --> 00:10:45.919 So, Phil, you guys can't see them on the screen, but he's 165 00:10:45.960 --> 00:10:50.120 in clubhouse with us. Feel what's going on, man, hold on, 166 00:10:50.159 --> 00:10:54.759 there you go. Now try. There were so many people that came to 167 00:10:54.879 --> 00:10:58.519 the room. It said the same thing, like WHO's Mr Beast? And 168 00:10:58.519 --> 00:11:03.639 Yeah, crazy. Let me tell you, guys in this room. I 169 00:11:03.679 --> 00:11:07.960 gotta tell you, guys, because everybody in this well, you're breaking up 170 00:11:07.960 --> 00:11:13.840 a little bit. Field there, build the Matrix. Okay, now you're 171 00:11:13.840 --> 00:11:20.159 back. Now everybody really was killing the room. The stingers, he's a 172 00:11:20.240 --> 00:11:31.480 star, the Jo's good job, billy. Yeah, Oh man, it 173 00:11:31.559 --> 00:11:33.559 was. The Matrix is going to kill me, billy. I love you, 174 00:11:33.679 --> 00:11:39.120 man. We had fun. Sleep stath in the room. Yeah, 175 00:11:39.159 --> 00:11:43.679 man, it went fun. Yeah, it's a good time over there, 176 00:11:43.720 --> 00:11:46.200 you know. And I'm just thinking it's cool because it shows you kind of 177 00:11:46.200 --> 00:11:48.799 the power of social media, the power of audio, the power of video, 178 00:11:50.039 --> 00:11:52.200 you know, all the things that you can do. And I don't 179 00:11:52.200 --> 00:11:56.639 know, I mean some people in the chat said, like me said, 180 00:11:56.720 --> 00:11:58.679 Mr Beast is not showing up. I think you will show up me, 181 00:11:58.720 --> 00:12:01.559 and I think think he's that spontaneous dude that will be like yeah, I'm 182 00:12:01.559 --> 00:12:05.600 going to show up, I'm show even for a few minutes, because it's 183 00:12:05.600 --> 00:12:09.440 not like it's not like a huge beer of entry here. So unless he's 184 00:12:09.440 --> 00:12:11.960 just super, super busy, but I think will over there is probably going 185 00:12:13.039 --> 00:12:16.279 to go for I don't know them, and maybe forty eight hours. They've 186 00:12:16.279 --> 00:12:20.960 been at twenty four, so he might go one more day. Wow, 187 00:12:22.559 --> 00:12:28.080 why do you want? Go ahead, feel go ahead. I think fills 188 00:12:28.080 --> 00:12:31.799 in the Matrix man. Sorry, Phil, I think it's a matrix go 189 00:12:31.960 --> 00:12:39.960 force. It started trashing. Eventually just left the room. Yeah, I'm 190 00:12:39.960 --> 00:12:43.240 not going to talk about that guy. I don't want to bash anybody, 191 00:12:43.279 --> 00:12:46.080 but there was some there was somebody that came into the room who's a big 192 00:12:46.120 --> 00:12:50.600 CEO or was a big CEO of big company, and you know, it's 193 00:12:50.639 --> 00:12:54.840 just like one of those measuring contests of the kind I won't say, but 194 00:12:54.879 --> 00:12:56.120 it was just like, come on, are we serious right now, like 195 00:12:56.240 --> 00:13:01.159 do we really have to, you know, do all this? So anyway, 196 00:13:01.320 --> 00:13:03.840 people try and reign on other people's parades and all that kind of stuff, 197 00:13:03.879 --> 00:13:05.639 but it doesn't matter. It's Super Fun Room if you guys go over 198 00:13:05.639 --> 00:13:09.759 there and hang out and they are there's goofing off playing games. You know, 199 00:13:09.799 --> 00:13:15.200 I'm doing stingers like it is a weighted out game to see if we 200 00:13:15.240 --> 00:13:18.679 can get the attention of Mr Beas enough to get him to come into that 201 00:13:18.759 --> 00:13:22.240 clubhouse room, which you know, I was thinking about. I was like, 202 00:13:22.240 --> 00:13:24.440 you know, if I was at his not that not that people like 203 00:13:24.519 --> 00:13:31.360 that are. He's busy. He's like creating multiple channels, all videos, 204 00:13:31.360 --> 00:13:33.919 reaction videos, traveling. I mean he's a busy, busy dude trying to 205 00:13:33.960 --> 00:13:37.879 keep up with the machine that you built. And if I had a bunch 206 00:13:37.919 --> 00:13:43.840 of people clubhouse is tweeting me every five minutes, I might just be like, 207 00:13:43.960 --> 00:13:46.080 dude, I hate all you guys. However, there's only one way 208 00:13:46.120 --> 00:13:50.159 to make stop. So, Mr Beast, if you're watching, go jump 209 00:13:50.159 --> 00:13:52.840 in that room. That's how you make it stop. So what is it 210 00:13:52.879 --> 00:13:56.080 they want to accomplish when he comes into the room? Were they look at 211 00:13:56.120 --> 00:13:58.440 it? He just have a conversation with them or what? Yeah, I 212 00:13:58.440 --> 00:14:01.120 think. I think some people have some questions for him, but then it's 213 00:14:01.200 --> 00:14:05.000 really like one of those those rooms where it's like hey, man, I 214 00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:07.240 we just want to tell you we appreciate you, and because he does a 215 00:14:07.240 --> 00:14:11.759 lot of cool stuff in the world and this guy will that's doing it like 216 00:14:11.840 --> 00:14:15.919 he got snoop dog in a room. So, you know, that was 217 00:14:15.919 --> 00:14:18.679 pretty cool. To like he wow, right after the Super Bowl, day 218 00:14:18.720 --> 00:14:22.240 after super bowl, there they did the same style room for like fourteen hours 219 00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:26.919 and got the right people to get in touch with snoop dog. Snoop dog 220 00:14:26.960 --> 00:14:28.639 came on the APP and hung out with them for a while. So pretty 221 00:14:28.639 --> 00:14:31.279 cool. That's cool. Okay, that's cool. I get it now. 222 00:14:31.360 --> 00:14:33.320 Yeah, man, it's cool. You know, it's like everything else. 223 00:14:33.320 --> 00:14:37.240 It's all about creating that community and I never go into those rooms. Why? 224 00:14:37.200 --> 00:14:39.840 I'm a huge fan of Mr be so. I was like, you 225 00:14:39.840 --> 00:14:41.960 know what, I'm gonna go in there and see what happens. If I 226 00:14:43.000 --> 00:14:45.759 can help get him, get him in there. So that was pretty cool, 227 00:14:45.759 --> 00:14:48.559 man. So that's that's been one highlight of my week. So said, 228 00:14:48.600 --> 00:14:50.759 what has been one highlight of your week, and we got to listabit 229 00:14:50.080 --> 00:14:54.000 wanted to come up here as well, so we'll see. One highlight of 230 00:14:54.080 --> 00:14:56.399 my week. Oh my gosh, as so many, it's been a great 231 00:14:56.440 --> 00:15:00.279 week. I've been super busy. I Love Fridays, though, Becau because 232 00:15:00.919 --> 00:15:03.720 I block my calendar off on Friday's from eleven o'clock to the end of the 233 00:15:03.759 --> 00:15:07.039 day, where have no appointments, which is Great. Gives me the opportunity 234 00:15:07.120 --> 00:15:11.759 to just kick around if I want to get some work done. So I 235 00:15:11.799 --> 00:15:16.240 will say that, you know, one of the highlights for me this week 236 00:15:16.320 --> 00:15:20.919 is the progress that I've made on something that I'm doing, a really big 237 00:15:20.919 --> 00:15:24.080 project that I'm working on billy that's kind of behind the curtains. I made 238 00:15:24.080 --> 00:15:28.000 a tremendous amount of progress on it this week. So that's all I'm going 239 00:15:28.039 --> 00:15:30.840 to say. I'm really excited about that though. All right, yeah, 240 00:15:30.919 --> 00:15:33.120 man, I love it. I love it. Well, one thing for 241 00:15:33.159 --> 00:15:35.279 me, you know, and anybody can come up. I'd love to hear 242 00:15:35.320 --> 00:15:39.279 some other people's highlights, is kind of a fun room Friday where we're just 243 00:15:39.320 --> 00:15:43.080 going to invite people up to speak either on clubhouse or wherever else you're watching, 244 00:15:43.159 --> 00:15:46.279 or the comments wherever you're watching. For Free to jump in. And 245 00:15:46.320 --> 00:15:48.200 if you want to come over to clubhouse and you don't know how to find 246 00:15:48.200 --> 00:15:54.240 the room, go to creating daily dot live and there's a live show linked 247 00:15:54.240 --> 00:15:56.480 there and you can just linked all the places that we're at. So, 248 00:15:56.559 --> 00:16:00.399 man, one thing for me this week, said, was doing this live 249 00:16:00.440 --> 00:16:04.159 show, creating this daily show, figuring out my rhythm and now that I 250 00:16:04.200 --> 00:16:07.600 have, because this the fifth show I've done under this branding. I think 251 00:16:07.600 --> 00:16:14.480 it did some last week, but literally booked a guest Monday through Thursday. 252 00:16:14.960 --> 00:16:18.399 Well, I guess technically Friday you're technically a guest. I suppose cohost guests, 253 00:16:18.519 --> 00:16:23.399 but but really it was like kind of you know, maybe, and 254 00:16:23.480 --> 00:16:26.559 maybe it's because it's exciting, it's new, but it's like easier than I 255 00:16:26.559 --> 00:16:30.519 thought it was going to be, you know, once I got through the 256 00:16:30.600 --> 00:16:33.639 last couple you know, did the first couple days and the third day was 257 00:16:33.679 --> 00:16:36.919 easier, for day was easier today. You know, today, obviously I 258 00:16:36.919 --> 00:16:40.679 got you on. So it's a lot, you know, not complicated at 259 00:16:40.679 --> 00:16:42.720 all, but anyway, man, so pretty cool and it's a lot of 260 00:16:42.759 --> 00:16:45.559 fun. Like I imagine, I'm a little tired, but it's a lot 261 00:16:45.559 --> 00:16:48.440 of fun. That's awesome, though. I mean, how many hours are 262 00:16:48.440 --> 00:16:55.679 you putting in getting ready for the show? You know, immensely, probably 263 00:16:55.799 --> 00:17:00.200 a lot sitting down and doing it. Probably not like maybe a couple of 264 00:17:00.240 --> 00:17:03.480 hours just because I'm okay. Probably until I find a better booking system, 265 00:17:03.480 --> 00:17:07.200 which I think one sheet pro which we brought on Tuesday is going to help 266 00:17:07.200 --> 00:17:08.720 out with that. Once they they got one little feature. They're going to 267 00:17:08.759 --> 00:17:12.400 kind of turn on to make that happen. But I think that I think 268 00:17:12.400 --> 00:17:18.599 that's going to be easier as I go and then I just have a show 269 00:17:18.640 --> 00:17:21.720 outline. I'm kind of filling in the blanks and I'm playing with show formats 270 00:17:21.720 --> 00:17:23.960 and all that and I'm looking for feedback. So if people are like cool, 271 00:17:25.000 --> 00:17:26.440 man, love the new segment, like or we hate it, you 272 00:17:26.480 --> 00:17:29.880 know, like let me know, because I'll adjust it. I mean I 273 00:17:29.880 --> 00:17:33.480 want to make concert that people actually enjoy. So if it's just like they 274 00:17:33.599 --> 00:17:36.480 do, that doesn't make any sense. I'll cut it out do something else 275 00:17:36.599 --> 00:17:38.279 and I'm going to get creative with it. I just wanted to get a 276 00:17:38.279 --> 00:17:42.200 base format to build on and so it's been pretty full. You get started 277 00:17:42.400 --> 00:17:45.400 and you get to feel of it and you kind of figure out what's work 278 00:17:45.440 --> 00:17:48.839 and what's not working and you make adjustments and pivots and you keep going. 279 00:17:48.880 --> 00:17:52.079 I really like the interview section of it. I've missed a couple of this 280 00:17:52.079 --> 00:17:56.680 week just because of my schedule, and but you got you got guest book 281 00:17:56.720 --> 00:18:00.319 for next week to Yep, I think, yeah, every day but Monday, 282 00:18:00.440 --> 00:18:04.079 which I'll find somebody for Monday. But yeah, man, it's pretty 283 00:18:04.079 --> 00:18:08.240 cool. It's pretty cool. So so where? Are you streaming live? 284 00:18:08.279 --> 00:18:11.920 On Youtube as well? I see the video, like I watched yesterday's with 285 00:18:11.960 --> 00:18:15.839 the podcast guy. Yeah, I watched it on Youtube. So are you 286 00:18:15.880 --> 00:18:18.880 streaming live to youtube as well? I'm streaming live to facebook, Youtube, 287 00:18:18.920 --> 00:18:26.839 twitch, bullhorn, linkedin and clubhouse. So six, six inste you're creating 288 00:18:26.920 --> 00:18:30.319 daily. Yeah, but if you start playing it right now, said, 289 00:18:30.319 --> 00:18:33.960 it's going to crush your video on my son. So just so you know, 290 00:18:33.440 --> 00:18:36.400 okay, I'm going to do it on purpose. You want to be 291 00:18:36.400 --> 00:18:41.279 frozen like this? Being that real heads, we turned out to the to 292 00:18:41.319 --> 00:18:45.319 the right side, so I look really good before I freeze now. Still, 293 00:18:45.440 --> 00:18:48.200 man. Well, see we get we get a couple more people jump 294 00:18:48.279 --> 00:18:51.519 up on stage, and so anybody's on the stage before you on Mike, 295 00:18:51.799 --> 00:18:55.680 just know that this is the the FRY, a fun day room, and 296 00:18:55.720 --> 00:18:57.920 I want to hear a highlight from your week. I mean, obviously if 297 00:18:57.920 --> 00:19:02.400 you have any questions, we can do that as well, but it's really 298 00:19:02.480 --> 00:19:06.319 about just highlighting creator. So, Phil, I see you coming off Mike 299 00:19:06.319 --> 00:19:08.359 there. What's going on, man? What's your highlight? Hey, Billy 300 00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:11.200 Hay said, I got a bounce in a minute, but I just want 301 00:19:11.240 --> 00:19:18.000 to say that it's been a real stressful week breaking mortar entrepreneur and want to 302 00:19:18.000 --> 00:19:21.079 be a content creator. But, but I just had a fun time. 303 00:19:21.119 --> 00:19:25.640 I just want to take my hands off to a real live educator, teacher, 304 00:19:25.839 --> 00:19:29.519 content creator and building that. I love your life rooms. I'm your 305 00:19:29.599 --> 00:19:33.640 daily rooms. They are they are so cool and you know, I just 306 00:19:33.680 --> 00:19:38.960 see it's good information helping me grow and learn some things. But then to 307 00:19:40.039 --> 00:19:45.400 follow you later on in the afternoon into that that Mr Beast Room was a 308 00:19:45.480 --> 00:19:48.640 light kind of room. That really it lasted a while, but it was 309 00:19:48.680 --> 00:19:52.440 just cool to hang out with you and to see you then put those talents 310 00:19:52.519 --> 00:19:57.039 to real, live work and create in real time, and it was that 311 00:19:57.160 --> 00:20:02.079 lighter side that I really needed right now, you know so, and and 312 00:20:02.200 --> 00:20:06.119 it lasted into today. So thank you so much and cool deal. Good 313 00:20:06.119 --> 00:20:07.200 to see you all. I got a bounce out, but thank you so 314 00:20:07.279 --> 00:20:10.559 much. Yeah, man, thank you so much, Phil. And Phil 315 00:20:10.720 --> 00:20:15.519 is another awesome Creator, obviously business owner, store owner, but but content 316 00:20:15.559 --> 00:20:18.440 creator as well. So you guys tappen to his profile wherever you see him 317 00:20:18.480 --> 00:20:22.559 at and go check him out. So Phil Hill, Feel Hill knows and 318 00:20:22.599 --> 00:20:26.359 he has. He does a lot of tech stuff, security things, home 319 00:20:26.359 --> 00:20:30.240 security, lights, I mean all that on Amazon live. So it does 320 00:20:30.279 --> 00:20:33.880 a really good job with that. So appreciates you fil jumping in. And 321 00:20:33.920 --> 00:20:37.319 then now's jump over to Elizabeth. Lizabeth, how are you doing today? 322 00:20:37.359 --> 00:20:41.960 Thanks for jumping on the creating daily show. Good morning still. Thank you, 323 00:20:41.000 --> 00:20:45.880 Billy. I always enjoy being just like everybody else says, it's just 324 00:20:47.160 --> 00:20:52.440 your energy and your charisma is just very contagious and something people want to be 325 00:20:52.480 --> 00:20:57.079 around. And then your creativity is just I mean the the audio that you 326 00:20:57.079 --> 00:21:03.880 would send pop in just a timely moment when everyone was just talking about you 327 00:21:04.079 --> 00:21:11.799 and then you just throw out there's some just beautiful sound and it's just right 328 00:21:11.880 --> 00:21:15.440 in line with what everyone's talking about. It's like you have figured out how 329 00:21:15.519 --> 00:21:25.039 to create an aura essence in club house and all social media and you're just 330 00:21:25.079 --> 00:21:32.440 definitely someone that anyone is starting out should be watching, because we learn well 331 00:21:32.559 --> 00:21:36.039 when we, you know, get to see how the greats do what they 332 00:21:36.079 --> 00:21:41.079 do. Any one of those. Thank you for all the time work. 333 00:21:41.559 --> 00:21:45.599 Well, thank you for the Times that you've offered me some of your precious 334 00:21:45.599 --> 00:21:55.640 time. Definitely he level me up and putting into action words of wisdom that 335 00:21:55.720 --> 00:22:00.839 you gave me. I actually have expounded on those now and it's starting to 336 00:22:00.880 --> 00:22:04.519 flow and it's starting to click more and you know, I thought I was 337 00:22:04.599 --> 00:22:11.599 going to be able to step into this social media and just start talking and 338 00:22:11.599 --> 00:22:15.559 everything was just going to bounce and I've been learning. How much, I 339 00:22:15.599 --> 00:22:21.400 don't know, but learning how to do much better, even though I have 340 00:22:21.480 --> 00:22:26.440 a lot to do. I would love to come to your site and like 341 00:22:26.480 --> 00:22:30.799 maybe give you a little of my perspective, because it when it be wisdom 342 00:22:30.920 --> 00:22:34.359 so much. But if you'd like, but I really need people to go 343 00:22:34.440 --> 00:22:41.559 to my youtube and let me know what I'm not doing well and how I 344 00:22:41.640 --> 00:22:45.000 could do better, because I know I could, because I watch them now. 345 00:22:45.119 --> 00:22:47.799 Like when I was doing them, I was like, Oh, this 346 00:22:47.880 --> 00:22:49.079 is so good. Then I get it up there and I look at it 347 00:22:49.119 --> 00:22:55.319 again and I'm feeling as if and maybe not so much, you know what, 348 00:22:56.039 --> 00:22:57.200 and I think the thing too, is like, as a creator, 349 00:22:57.240 --> 00:23:02.039 like it was funny because facebook literally put up a video that I made two 350 00:23:02.119 --> 00:23:06.359 years ago. You know, look terrible and you know, even as a 351 00:23:07.000 --> 00:23:08.839 look terrible. I didn't watch it because I was like I just you know 352 00:23:08.839 --> 00:23:11.559 what, but that's part of the process. It's like, you know, 353 00:23:11.640 --> 00:23:14.279 my kid when he started learned how to walk, it's like did he was 354 00:23:14.359 --> 00:23:18.359 horrible at walking and now he's like the fastest runner on the planet and I 355 00:23:18.400 --> 00:23:21.880 got to try to keep up with him. So I think just keep going. 356 00:23:21.920 --> 00:23:25.799 Elizabeth, congratulations on getting your youtube stuff started, getting all your, 357 00:23:25.880 --> 00:23:30.880 you know, creative journeys kicked off, because that's step one and then you 358 00:23:30.920 --> 00:23:33.799 just learn and grow and we've all been there and all done that. So 359 00:23:33.799 --> 00:23:36.400 I really appreciate you jumping up. Thank you for all the kind words. 360 00:23:36.400 --> 00:23:38.839 I'll send you five bucks and your little backchat there for doing that. Been 361 00:23:38.880 --> 00:23:41.119 paying a lot of people and I'm going to gently bump you down to the 362 00:23:41.160 --> 00:23:47.440 obvious sens in for today. Go ahead sit. I'm just like, obviously, 363 00:23:47.720 --> 00:23:49.359 because of all the flowers. I like that, like a flowers to 364 00:23:49.440 --> 00:23:52.920 be growing up in the air. But he's loving nobility today. What what 365 00:23:53.079 --> 00:23:56.359 is up? I this is great now, I love it. Keep it 366 00:23:56.440 --> 00:24:00.559 calming a really even new I'm gonna open up a flower shops soon. It's 367 00:24:00.720 --> 00:24:03.400 great. It's going to resell. All right. Yeah, we got Michael 368 00:24:03.480 --> 00:24:07.480 Up on the stage and anybody is welcome, and I see producer Jimmy jumped 369 00:24:07.480 --> 00:24:11.920 in for producer Jimmy, was actually staid on the schedule today and and she 370 00:24:12.160 --> 00:24:15.640 had an appointment that was preset and she was so kind. She was okay, 371 00:24:15.640 --> 00:24:18.480 I'm going to cancel this appointment so I can come on your show. 372 00:24:18.519 --> 00:24:22.319 And I'm like, look, it's a lot easier to get booked on my 373 00:24:22.319 --> 00:24:26.680 show than it is to get the appointment that you have. So go ahead, 374 00:24:26.799 --> 00:24:29.240 go do that, take care of business, and who knows, she 375 00:24:29.319 --> 00:24:32.640 might be at that appointment right now well, listening to us, entertainer. 376 00:24:32.920 --> 00:24:37.920 So basically what you're saying is that I'm a fill in for producer Jimmy today 377 00:24:37.960 --> 00:24:41.880 and just like kind of lastminute thought out here. Just let me grab see 378 00:24:41.880 --> 00:24:44.559 it, he'll do it. Yeah, it's like said, click this link. 379 00:24:44.599 --> 00:24:48.720 What what is that? Just click it and then okay, okay, 380 00:24:48.880 --> 00:24:52.880 yeah, yeah, astram to fill in. I'm not. I'm the background 381 00:24:52.920 --> 00:24:56.720 actor. They call them seconds. Yeah, yeah, you're said. Yeah, 382 00:24:56.839 --> 00:24:59.839 rang you, Michael. I'm the second back ringer. Yes, but 383 00:25:00.000 --> 00:25:02.480 back up, that's right. Yeah, we're hey, it works though, 384 00:25:02.559 --> 00:25:06.559 right, it's working, working for me. A moment and I get attacked 385 00:25:06.640 --> 00:25:08.799 right off. Some I'm really excited. All right, so you guys heard 386 00:25:08.839 --> 00:25:11.799 the voice of our friend Michael Sterling, who also launched a podcast. Was 387 00:25:11.839 --> 00:25:15.559 One of our creator highlights earlier this week. So, Michael, going to 388 00:25:15.599 --> 00:25:18.480 pass the Mike to you. Maybe I just gape up your highlight of the 389 00:25:18.519 --> 00:25:21.119 week. I don't know, but I know maybe that's like what you know, 390 00:25:21.440 --> 00:25:22.839 no big deal. Just launched a podcast. That was my thing for 391 00:25:22.880 --> 00:25:26.599 this week. So yeah, launched a podcast. All right, we'll tell 392 00:25:26.759 --> 00:25:27.720 tell us about it. We got you on here, right, Michael, 393 00:25:27.720 --> 00:25:32.519 congratulations. Yeah, I listening to it. Was Awesome. Yeah, no, 394 00:25:32.559 --> 00:25:37.279 it's the sterling clear audio podcast and it is what I like to say 395 00:25:37.359 --> 00:25:42.160 is the fusion of techniques and technology for audio creation. So the ideas we 396 00:25:42.400 --> 00:25:49.799 pull together, conversations about everything from preproduction to what microphones to use to selfcare 397 00:25:49.920 --> 00:25:55.359 and everything in between, and we talked about it for anybody who creates podcast 398 00:25:55.480 --> 00:25:59.440 or does live streams and things like that. So I really excited about it. 399 00:25:59.440 --> 00:26:02.440 Haven't launched any episodes yet, but the trailers out there. Look on 400 00:26:02.440 --> 00:26:06.279 your major platforms for sterling clear audio. Thanks, thanks man, thanks Michael. 401 00:26:06.279 --> 00:26:07.319 Thanks for being a part of the highlight earlist. I don't know if 402 00:26:07.319 --> 00:26:10.960 I ask you. I've been asking people and then some people I'm like God, 403 00:26:10.960 --> 00:26:12.039 I'm not gonna ask, I'm just going to put it up there because 404 00:26:12.039 --> 00:26:17.279 of moving so fast. But appreciate that, man. Appreciate you drop in 405 00:26:17.359 --> 00:26:22.480 some good knowledge for the rest of us and if you need your audio tweaked, 406 00:26:22.680 --> 00:26:23.880 Michael's the guy to do it. Man, you really helping dial in 407 00:26:23.920 --> 00:26:29.319 my road caster pro. So make sure you go check him out and if 408 00:26:29.359 --> 00:26:32.480 you need a link or whatever to discord, let me know. I can 409 00:26:32.519 --> 00:26:34.559 give it to you and I want to. I want to do another win 410 00:26:34.720 --> 00:26:37.880 that I've had this week. Said and I was going to wait and do 411 00:26:37.920 --> 00:26:41.880 it a couple weeks, but I think the number matters and I'll tell you 412 00:26:41.920 --> 00:26:47.839 why. But I'm going to jump over here and show you a picture of 413 00:26:48.039 --> 00:26:52.000 a little a little weight loss. So here's me in real time and there 414 00:26:52.119 --> 00:26:56.480 was me in November. So I think this is like November twenty at twenty 415 00:26:56.519 --> 00:27:02.359 four. I started to change my diet in November fifteen of two thousand and 416 00:27:02.400 --> 00:27:07.920 twenty one, and so I'm forty eight pounds down, which is just crazy, 417 00:27:08.480 --> 00:27:11.079 but that is a huge win. I'm super proud of it and I 418 00:27:11.119 --> 00:27:14.839 was going to wait, are you taking picture? Said you take it. 419 00:27:14.880 --> 00:27:17.000 Pi. took a picture of it. Yeah, I took a picture of 420 00:27:17.000 --> 00:27:18.559 it. So soon I'll teach you how to be really proud of that. 421 00:27:18.720 --> 00:27:22.880 Forty eight pounds is a lot of way. Forty eight pounds is a Chun. 422 00:27:22.000 --> 00:27:26.680 Yeah, it's. It's more than my toddler ways for sure. So 423 00:27:26.680 --> 00:27:30.400 so, yeah, I mean, you know, and it's been life changing 424 00:27:30.440 --> 00:27:32.640 for real, and so I you know, I was going to wait until 425 00:27:32.720 --> 00:27:33.400 fifty, but not. I thought, you know what meant. Fifty S 426 00:27:33.440 --> 00:27:37.160 A big number like forty eight. Fifty is kind of that little trick in 427 00:27:37.200 --> 00:27:40.839 the mind, because I want to be inspirational with people. Say Hey, 428 00:27:40.880 --> 00:27:42.640 if I can do it, you can do it. And this was literally 429 00:27:42.680 --> 00:27:48.039 just from change in my diet and changing, you know, just being mindful 430 00:27:48.160 --> 00:27:49.640 of like food intake and all that kind of stuff. But yes, I've 431 00:27:49.680 --> 00:27:55.599 lost forty eight pounds so far since November fifteen. Feeling Great. My wife 432 00:27:55.599 --> 00:27:57.799 thinks she's looks at me different like well, cat calls me from a crossing 433 00:27:57.920 --> 00:28:02.359 room. Some pretty excited about it, you know. Yeah, right, 434 00:28:02.400 --> 00:28:07.559 that's wishful thinking, that whatever from a crop. But but I wanted to 435 00:28:07.559 --> 00:28:10.599 share it. That at forty eight and I want to get it because, 436 00:28:10.640 --> 00:28:12.079 you know, forty it's like, dude, it's doable. If I can 437 00:28:12.119 --> 00:28:15.160 do it, anybody can do it, and so I just wanted to hopefully 438 00:28:15.200 --> 00:28:18.279 inspire you because I think being a creator, we spent a lot of time 439 00:28:18.759 --> 00:28:22.039 in our brains. It's been a lot of time at our desk. We 440 00:28:22.160 --> 00:28:25.799 spent a lot of time not thinking about our health, not thinking about our 441 00:28:25.839 --> 00:28:29.920 sleep. We stay up late, long hours, and just want to encourage 442 00:28:29.839 --> 00:28:33.559 people. I take care of your body, take care of yourself and you'll 443 00:28:33.640 --> 00:28:37.079 just be I mean, dude, I'm a completely different person mentally on alone, 444 00:28:37.119 --> 00:28:41.400 physically, but awesome mentally, just moving in a whole different directions. 445 00:28:41.519 --> 00:28:47.279 So just a little quick reminder and hopefully to inspire somebody. Awesome. All 446 00:28:47.400 --> 00:28:51.680 right. Now we got producer Jimmy on the stage, who maybe at her 447 00:28:51.680 --> 00:28:53.079 appointment, maybe not, and then we also have sewn. So I'm going 448 00:28:53.119 --> 00:28:57.480 to go past the MIC to producer Jimmy. Please share a highlight with us 449 00:28:57.480 --> 00:29:03.359 from this week and there we go. The MIC is yours. If you're 450 00:29:03.400 --> 00:29:07.400 there, you know what's funny. So that appointment that I had, I 451 00:29:07.480 --> 00:29:11.759 ended up having to cancel it anyway, so little to go to my son's 452 00:29:11.759 --> 00:29:18.200 school today. So okay, all right, anyway. But okay. So 453 00:29:18.240 --> 00:29:22.079 I have a couple of highlights. One is just the fact that so I 454 00:29:22.119 --> 00:29:26.759 was supposed to record the latest episode of the PODCAST, podcast couple days ago, 455 00:29:26.799 --> 00:29:30.160 I think Tuesday, but I didn't have any emergency at the time that 456 00:29:30.160 --> 00:29:36.640 it happened. So we ended up recording yesterday morning and I managed to still 457 00:29:36.680 --> 00:29:41.759 get that massive behemous of a show fight of a Nice Pretty Bo and release 458 00:29:41.880 --> 00:29:45.519 this morning. I'm exhausted, but I didn't and that's a win. Like 459 00:29:47.559 --> 00:29:52.519 that's awesome. But actually, I texted you this next win, billy, 460 00:29:52.640 --> 00:29:56.960 but I and if you're anyone's on my instagram, you make you see it. 461 00:29:56.160 --> 00:30:02.799 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I got to meet the mustache in 462 00:30:03.160 --> 00:30:07.400 the flesh. I got to be Mr John J Wili out away. That 463 00:30:07.519 --> 00:30:14.839 was really cool. That's aw awesome. That was a huge with man, 464 00:30:14.920 --> 00:30:18.279 let me tell you, he is just the same person, like he exactly. 465 00:30:18.680 --> 00:30:22.039 He is who he is and I love him completely. He's so fantastic. 466 00:30:22.160 --> 00:30:26.359 So that was another whim and then I want to hear one more. 467 00:30:26.400 --> 00:30:30.880 All right, yeah, let's go. Okay. So my one more is, 468 00:30:32.119 --> 00:30:36.119 you know, you've heard my other show business in the bedroom. So 469 00:30:36.200 --> 00:30:38.400 it's it's been on a little bit of possible a little while because I've been 470 00:30:38.440 --> 00:30:41.640 wanted to figure out I knew what the next move was, which was I 471 00:30:41.680 --> 00:30:45.920 wanted to start doing. It's been a solo show up into this point and 472 00:30:45.960 --> 00:30:48.599 they wanted to bring an interviews, but I wanted to be really thoughtful and 473 00:30:48.640 --> 00:30:55.319 how I did that and what I decided to do made sense for me was 474 00:30:55.480 --> 00:30:59.680 and to the story of the show that the show's really conveying is the first 475 00:30:59.759 --> 00:31:03.960 episodes are all my practical advice of what I learned and building a business. 476 00:31:04.039 --> 00:31:07.319 So I thought, well, what makes the most natural sense is for me 477 00:31:07.400 --> 00:31:12.039 to invite those people to speak and share the microphone with me who have influenced 478 00:31:12.119 --> 00:31:17.640 my approach to business and don't talking things. Yeah, so like Glenn, 479 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:22.279 like like, let me leave from a Horse Ray Network, such as Jeremy 480 00:31:22.319 --> 00:31:25.480 Pound, you talking about side design development, Jason Hill from the OWL APP 481 00:31:25.519 --> 00:31:30.200 and I have been entrepneurial buddies for a long time, and Chris Kermiss those 482 00:31:30.240 --> 00:31:36.680 from podfast, so as examples. So thinking through these incredible humans who really 483 00:31:36.759 --> 00:31:41.519 helped guide me, and I realize something dawns on me. They are all 484 00:31:41.559 --> 00:31:48.319 Floridians. So because of that it all started to make sense and click. 485 00:31:48.359 --> 00:31:52.920 That what I can do is for the future, the third phase of the 486 00:31:52.920 --> 00:31:55.160 show. So now we're talking about second phase, but the third phase of 487 00:31:55.160 --> 00:31:59.079 the show will be interviewing more business of people who are up and coming and 488 00:31:59.119 --> 00:32:00.839 trying to, you know, grinding to do it. That will be a 489 00:32:00.880 --> 00:32:05.640 third phase of the shows. For the second phase leading into that third phase, 490 00:32:06.079 --> 00:32:08.160 I think it makes a lot of sense, since these are all Floridians, 491 00:32:08.160 --> 00:32:14.400 I can be interviewing anyway to bring the show into the Florida podcast network. 492 00:32:15.079 --> 00:32:19.599 Is Now being brought into the Florida podcast network. I'm really excited about 493 00:32:19.680 --> 00:32:23.240 that. Melt. Yeah, melting to my world's together is really fun. 494 00:32:23.319 --> 00:32:25.880 And then, Oh, I'll actually one more thing. Last ever. Really 495 00:32:25.920 --> 00:32:31.880 quick I figured out a really brilliant way to bring finding Florida back post pandemic. 496 00:32:32.000 --> 00:32:36.319 So I'll shoot the details of that another time, but I am so 497 00:32:36.400 --> 00:32:38.079 excited because I know now that finding Florida is going to be coming back. 498 00:32:38.119 --> 00:32:42.039 So anyways, lots of really good stuff on the horizon for me, and 499 00:32:42.279 --> 00:32:45.200 I found out who I'm going to hire as my new business administrator. Okay, 500 00:32:45.240 --> 00:32:50.240 looks awesome, and that's a that's a winning week right there. That's 501 00:32:50.279 --> 00:32:55.200 awesome. I mean, guys, it sounds like Jimmy hasn't had a nap 502 00:32:55.319 --> 00:32:59.960 or sleep or anything is I mean, all those wins, Jimmy, congratulate 503 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:05.359 the said busy' all week. I got so because I did have that that 504 00:33:05.480 --> 00:33:08.559 a plot was canceled because that afternoon was was a little bit free. I'm 505 00:33:08.599 --> 00:33:12.000 not even joking. I just finished up some work. I was up really 506 00:33:12.079 --> 00:33:14.400 late last night. I'm like, I'M gonna go lay down take a nap. 507 00:33:15.160 --> 00:33:16.480 Damn it, my friends are all in a room hanging out. Now. 508 00:33:20.119 --> 00:33:23.160 That's funny, you guys right now. Look then at next that's so 509 00:33:23.440 --> 00:33:28.160 funny. All right, well, think I appreciate you jumping in, producer, 510 00:33:28.240 --> 00:33:30.240 Jimmy, appreciate you sharing that, and we're going to have her on 511 00:33:30.279 --> 00:33:32.200 the show next week, if the if the universe aligns, in the stars 512 00:33:32.200 --> 00:33:35.279 Aligne. And let us do that. We're going to bring her on and 513 00:33:35.319 --> 00:33:39.000 talk about how to properly launch your podcast. Which I did not properly launched 514 00:33:39.079 --> 00:33:43.160 this podcast creating daily and by the way, it is a podcast. So 515 00:33:43.240 --> 00:33:47.920 you can watch it on Youtube, facebook, twich, bullhorn, I can't 516 00:33:47.920 --> 00:33:52.119 remember Linkedin. Maybe now and then. If not, you let's try. 517 00:33:52.119 --> 00:33:54.920 We're alive on Linkedin. I need to go check out linkedin. Did you 518 00:33:55.000 --> 00:33:58.960 can? You can. You can listen to it anywhere that you listen or 519 00:33:59.000 --> 00:34:00.599 most places you can listen to podcast. So be sure to do that and 520 00:34:00.839 --> 00:34:04.519 do me a favorite. Hit that subscribe button, hit that follow button, 521 00:34:05.240 --> 00:34:07.280 lot or whatever they call now. I don't know. Everybody has their own 522 00:34:07.320 --> 00:34:10.119 little systems. And then, real quick, I want to pass the Mike 523 00:34:10.159 --> 00:34:14.519 over to our friends sewn to let him share his win and then I'm going 524 00:34:14.599 --> 00:34:19.280 to do some takeaways that I had from the episodes this week of some stuff 525 00:34:19.320 --> 00:34:21.920 I really enjoyed. So, Sean, I'm going to pass the mic over 526 00:34:22.039 --> 00:34:28.159 to you, my friend Billy said, Michael Jemmy, great to be in 527 00:34:28.360 --> 00:34:34.000 here with you. Had It could you could qualify it as a bit of 528 00:34:34.079 --> 00:34:37.480 Woo Woo, but I just believe things happen when they need to happen. 529 00:34:37.920 --> 00:34:43.679 So little bit of a back story to let you know how amazing that this 530 00:34:43.880 --> 00:34:51.119 win is for me. I found a stereo file of a Demo I did 531 00:34:51.239 --> 00:34:53.559 with a singer. This is from two thousand and ten, November ten, 532 00:34:53.880 --> 00:34:57.960 two thousand and ten, on an old large drive. I was cleaning it 533 00:34:58.000 --> 00:35:01.599 out and I listened to this demo and I said, wow, this is 534 00:35:01.639 --> 00:35:07.440 amazing. Look for the singer. Couldn't find her. Couldn't find her anyway. 535 00:35:07.519 --> 00:35:09.639 I know who it was. So I just had in the back of 536 00:35:09.719 --> 00:35:15.440 my mind. I worked with a bunch of singers in the interim and I 537 00:35:15.519 --> 00:35:19.360 said, you know what, can you, because I wrote the song with 538 00:35:19.480 --> 00:35:22.360 her. I said, can you try and sing these vocals? And every 539 00:35:22.440 --> 00:35:28.079 singer I got was never even close to the singer. So from two thousand 540 00:35:28.079 --> 00:35:32.920 and ten till now I've been trying to replace this singer and because the the 541 00:35:34.000 --> 00:35:37.760 way we work together was amazing. So I even went to the point where 542 00:35:37.800 --> 00:35:43.440 I got some software for this demo and I was able to lift the vocals 543 00:35:43.519 --> 00:35:46.559 off and then Redo the instrumental. But there was a sound in the instrumental 544 00:35:46.639 --> 00:35:50.519 I couldn't find and it took me a month because this was in two thousand 545 00:35:50.519 --> 00:35:53.719 and ten. I can't remember what since I was using for the sound. 546 00:35:53.800 --> 00:35:58.360 So it took me a month to go through all my sounds and since and 547 00:35:58.440 --> 00:36:00.039 it was about to give up and I said, wait a minute, maybe 548 00:36:00.119 --> 00:36:05.000 it's this one. And then I found the patch. So I lifted the 549 00:36:05.119 --> 00:36:08.000 vocals with this piece of software. So it's still her, but it's not 550 00:36:08.119 --> 00:36:13.639 sounding perfect. I read did the whole instrumental it's like, okay, maybe 551 00:36:13.719 --> 00:36:17.480 I can release this now it's possible. Then I said, you know, 552 00:36:17.719 --> 00:36:22.360 the universe, you know what, just like when I stopped, I was 553 00:36:22.400 --> 00:36:24.119 about to stop and I found the sound. I said, you know what, 554 00:36:24.239 --> 00:36:28.920 let me look for her again. So I found her and when ended 555 00:36:29.000 --> 00:36:32.280 up happening is she got married, changed her name. She's divorced now, 556 00:36:32.400 --> 00:36:36.960 so she changed her name back. I found her, she called me right 557 00:36:37.039 --> 00:36:39.719 away and I played her to song. She's like, Oh, this is 558 00:36:39.760 --> 00:36:44.320 amazing. So now I've been looking for for ten years. I'm trying to 559 00:36:44.360 --> 00:36:49.679 replace her and now we're working together. We're ready written two songs and I 560 00:36:49.800 --> 00:36:52.599 have a lot of other stuff. So creatively I'm back in that space. 561 00:36:52.760 --> 00:36:58.800 But I was looking for her for ten years and then I just just found 562 00:36:58.840 --> 00:37:02.119 her and we've already done two amazing songs together. So that's my way. 563 00:37:02.880 --> 00:37:07.480 That's dumb man. What a story. Ten years a looking for somebody and 564 00:37:07.519 --> 00:37:09.960 then you found them. That's crazy. That's all. Kind of given up. 565 00:37:10.119 --> 00:37:13.280 I'd given up. That's a long time to look for somebody. But 566 00:37:13.360 --> 00:37:15.440 you know what, I congratulacense on. We're just not friends if you're that 567 00:37:15.559 --> 00:37:19.360 hard to find after ten years or just not meant to be friends. Well, 568 00:37:19.760 --> 00:37:22.199 here's the thing said. Here's the thing, billy, this is just 569 00:37:22.400 --> 00:37:27.000 a demo. I'm just going to play you the demo and it's quick. 570 00:37:27.079 --> 00:37:29.639 It's not going to take too long. But here's the thing. How little, 571 00:37:30.000 --> 00:37:31.320 how long? I'm on a time limit here. I got a jet. 572 00:37:31.480 --> 00:37:37.320 How long? I'll just play you a minute of it. All right, 573 00:37:37.440 --> 00:37:40.239 make it thirty seconds. Go. Can't do thirty seconds. Okay, 574 00:37:40.320 --> 00:37:43.320 I'll save it then. Okay, yeah, save it. I can't do 575 00:37:43.360 --> 00:37:45.119 a minute because I'm on a tight timeline. I get about seven minutes here 576 00:37:45.119 --> 00:37:49.000 before I get a roll because I got to have my wife somewhere. So 577 00:37:49.239 --> 00:37:51.719 one thing I do want to do is I do want to recap from this 578 00:37:51.840 --> 00:37:54.519 past week of episode. So for you guys who are joining and you're like, 579 00:37:54.599 --> 00:38:00.159 what is creating daily is a daily show where I'm trying to interview other 580 00:38:00.360 --> 00:38:05.440 creatives every single day, Monday through Thursday, and then on Friday have a 581 00:38:05.480 --> 00:38:07.599 little bit of fun, have a little bit of recap, bring some of 582 00:38:07.639 --> 00:38:10.920 the people up, the audience members or friends or other creators, and bring 583 00:38:12.039 --> 00:38:14.719 them up to you know, share some of their wins, some of their 584 00:38:14.760 --> 00:38:19.320 highlights. So I wanted to highlight some of the takeaways from these episodes that 585 00:38:19.440 --> 00:38:22.480 I did and said I don't know how many that you watch. I don't 586 00:38:22.480 --> 00:38:25.039 know. You know what. You have to tune into sor you couldn't. 587 00:38:25.039 --> 00:38:28.840 Team. You got the three of them, I think. All right. 588 00:38:28.880 --> 00:38:32.719 So you probably saw the one with Nikki, the TICKTOCK MOM influencer. Yes, 589 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:36.679 I watch that actually on the replay. Okay, cool. Yeah. 590 00:38:36.760 --> 00:38:38.119 So my biggest thing away from her, and if you gets hadn't seen that 591 00:38:38.159 --> 00:38:42.360 episode, I would definitely go check it out because she's super inspirational. Went 592 00:38:42.400 --> 00:38:45.840 from senior executive to one point eight million followers on Tick Tock. Most I 593 00:38:45.920 --> 00:38:50.400 think, all of that organically done, some brand deals, some really cool 594 00:38:50.480 --> 00:38:52.320 stuff. But one thing that she said, you know, kind of the 595 00:38:52.400 --> 00:38:58.360 theme of that show was Chopez yourself and like really lean into who you are, 596 00:38:59.000 --> 00:39:00.760 and I thought that was really cool because she wasn't trying to be somebody 597 00:39:00.800 --> 00:39:07.159 else. She actually got on Tick Tock for like business purposes, to figure 598 00:39:07.199 --> 00:39:10.280 out the APP, to teach other people how to work the APP, and 599 00:39:12.079 --> 00:39:15.519 and then she was like all of a sudden, boom, blows up, 600 00:39:15.639 --> 00:39:19.920 becomes this influencer on there, but just found you know, listen to other 601 00:39:19.960 --> 00:39:22.079 people say, Hey, you're funny, you're funny, you're funny, you 602 00:39:22.079 --> 00:39:24.039 should do funny stuff, and then jumped on there and did that. So 603 00:39:24.079 --> 00:39:28.119 I thought that was pretty cool. So just yeah, I watched a couple 604 00:39:28.159 --> 00:39:30.880 of our tick tocks and they were pretty cool too. And I mean I 605 00:39:30.920 --> 00:39:32.800 thought it was a lot of fun to see what she was doing and how 606 00:39:32.880 --> 00:39:37.440 she was creating. I mean because literally mean cheats, kind of the definition 607 00:39:37.519 --> 00:39:40.039 of the hot mess ex brass. mean she's not all made up or hairs 608 00:39:40.079 --> 00:39:44.039 all crazy straight. And there was one the one at Tick Tock I saw 609 00:39:44.119 --> 00:39:47.679 her. She was making the Irish coffee a sister cool. So it's kind 610 00:39:47.719 --> 00:39:52.519 of fun to see somebody accidentally have such great success. I know, man, 611 00:39:52.599 --> 00:39:54.400 it's pretty cool and it shows you the power of like like she said, 612 00:39:54.440 --> 00:39:58.519 show up like yourself, be yourself. All right. Now, that 613 00:39:58.679 --> 00:40:00.840 was episode. That was Monday's episode. I don't know what number it was, 614 00:40:01.000 --> 00:40:04.800 but then second we had Britt. We had a friend, Britton, 615 00:40:04.800 --> 00:40:07.599 Bash them on from one sheet dot pro and my biggest thig aways go, 616 00:40:07.719 --> 00:40:09.800 go, sign up for a one sheet. All right. So, like 617 00:40:09.920 --> 00:40:15.119 I said, they're I just talked to brint again after our interview and they're 618 00:40:15.159 --> 00:40:17.280 working on some really cool stuff. So be sure that you're on the front 619 00:40:17.360 --> 00:40:21.840 lines of that thing and go to one sheet dot pro in sign up for 620 00:40:21.880 --> 00:40:23.599 a creator account now. You used signed up for one and you're on there 621 00:40:23.639 --> 00:40:28.199 now. Yeah, I've got one. I've been sending it out. Actually 622 00:40:28.239 --> 00:40:32.719 at the birth watching on bullhorn and I while while you guys were live, 623 00:40:34.000 --> 00:40:38.519 I actually had the APP open and was making some changes in some edits, 624 00:40:38.599 --> 00:40:44.840 listening to what Brent was saying, and so I got it updated and then 625 00:40:44.840 --> 00:40:46.719 I went and added it into my link tree. But I actually tested it. 626 00:40:46.920 --> 00:40:50.639 I'm going to be a guest on a live stream next Wednesday. I 627 00:40:50.719 --> 00:40:54.559 think it's a linkedin live event, and so I got their form to fill 628 00:40:54.639 --> 00:40:59.440 out and it said please send us a bio and I inserted the link to 629 00:40:59.559 --> 00:41:02.719 on cpros that please insert headset our head shot. I inserted the link to 630 00:41:02.840 --> 00:41:07.480 one pro so and the guy hasn't reached back out to ask me anything because 631 00:41:07.599 --> 00:41:12.599 everything is there and I'm my house is so easy. Like all the socials 632 00:41:12.639 --> 00:41:15.920 were there, all the images are there. The one thing I haven't done 633 00:41:15.079 --> 00:41:19.920 that Brent suggest it was a round picture. I had the vertical, the 634 00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:22.840 horizontal and the squareses. Gotta go do around picture. But yeah, it's 635 00:41:22.880 --> 00:41:27.119 a great product. Go, go sign up for it. Awesome and yeah, 636 00:41:27.119 --> 00:41:30.400 that, yeah, it's pretty awesome. So really appreciate brint jumping on 637 00:41:30.480 --> 00:41:32.599 and sharing that with us. A lot of good stuff in that episode as 638 00:41:32.679 --> 00:41:36.440 well. And then I have a friend John Snyder, on would talk about 639 00:41:36.519 --> 00:41:38.639 NBA top shots and kind of been a credit card or kind of kind of 640 00:41:38.679 --> 00:41:44.159 man a credit card, kind of being a creator around that, and so 641 00:41:45.639 --> 00:41:51.039 that was pretty cool to hear somebody story about creating content around a certain subject 642 00:41:51.119 --> 00:41:52.840 in such a niche topic. I mean I like to do niche, but 643 00:41:52.880 --> 00:41:55.199 I feel like can be a top shots even more niche and some of the 644 00:41:55.239 --> 00:41:59.840 stuff I do. But when they learned, you know they aren't it is 645 00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:04.400 an NFT or NFT's, but it's like video nft's, which is kind of 646 00:42:04.480 --> 00:42:07.679 crazy. So if somebody's like Slam Duncan something or whatever, it's actually that 647 00:42:07.760 --> 00:42:12.440 little clip that you're buying, not just like an image. And then you 648 00:42:12.519 --> 00:42:14.840 can also, you know, buy that with a credit card, which I 649 00:42:14.880 --> 00:42:17.000 thought was cool. So instead of okay, so I haven't watched that one. 650 00:42:17.280 --> 00:42:21.039 That's the one I haven't watched and I've got be interested when he's talking 651 00:42:21.039 --> 00:42:25.199 about nfts for business, because our videos, he's me intert videos, because 652 00:42:25.239 --> 00:42:30.880 I do own several nfts, actually working on a series with someone else for 653 00:42:31.039 --> 00:42:35.960 clubhouse rooms to talk about in the NFT's and business. Who are they said, 654 00:42:36.119 --> 00:42:39.119 not, not me with the freaking Oh, not whatever. My nft 655 00:42:39.360 --> 00:42:44.320 is going to be a picture of billy. Exactly. Good, and I'm 656 00:42:44.320 --> 00:42:47.599 getting my ny percent. Sure, no, you're getting nothing. You get 657 00:42:47.719 --> 00:42:52.480 the gift to hang out with me, is what you get. I haven't 658 00:42:52.519 --> 00:42:54.639 watched that. Now I'm going to go watch it. All right, yeah, 659 00:42:54.679 --> 00:42:58.199 so go watch that one and to what you think about it. And 660 00:42:58.280 --> 00:43:05.320 then then then Ryan Sulivan is a podcast producer, owns a little podcast production 661 00:43:05.440 --> 00:43:09.280 company, and he was talking about not quitting, like not giving up, 662 00:43:09.360 --> 00:43:12.800 not quitting. So the whole episode was great because He, you know, 663 00:43:12.880 --> 00:43:15.519 went from like I'm going to quit doing this to now helped over. You 664 00:43:15.599 --> 00:43:20.880 know, several dozen people launched their podcast get their voice out there. But 665 00:43:21.000 --> 00:43:23.679 one thing that he said cracked me up was he was trying to get a 666 00:43:23.800 --> 00:43:29.960 potential opportunity with this with this company, and he couldn't figure how to get 667 00:43:29.960 --> 00:43:32.840 in touch with him, so he booked a discovery call and then when he 668 00:43:32.880 --> 00:43:38.199 got on the discovery called, kind of the little bait and switch. Heard 669 00:43:38.280 --> 00:43:40.960 that you're like, well, you know what, this is why I'm actually 670 00:43:42.079 --> 00:43:45.840 calling you. So that was great. So the person thought it was like 671 00:43:45.920 --> 00:43:47.599 such a good you know, like, Oh man, this hustle, I 672 00:43:47.719 --> 00:43:51.880 enjoy it, so let's go ahead and work together. So I don't that 673 00:43:51.960 --> 00:43:53.400 was pretty fun. I mean maybe it's not the best move to do, 674 00:43:53.599 --> 00:43:58.400 but I thought it was pretty funny. When you're young and you got the 675 00:43:58.760 --> 00:44:00.800 you know, the courage to do it, then go out and do it. 676 00:44:00.800 --> 00:44:02.079 Obviously it paid off for him in a big way. So I've only 677 00:44:02.119 --> 00:44:05.400 seen about half of that one. I have a cute up on youtube to 678 00:44:05.400 --> 00:44:07.559 finish watching the rest of it. So yeah, Brent, Bret Basham says 679 00:44:07.679 --> 00:44:10.519 Katie brinkle is all about the NFTS. Should be a great to have on 680 00:44:10.599 --> 00:44:14.719 the show. She's actually coming on the show. I don't know if she 681 00:44:14.800 --> 00:44:16.599 knows she's going to come on the live show because I booked her for creating 682 00:44:16.719 --> 00:44:20.320 for money. But if she's okay with it, I'm going to switch it 683 00:44:20.480 --> 00:44:24.840 up and bring her on next Thursday. So fingers crossed that that works out. 684 00:44:24.880 --> 00:44:28.880 But it's at the same time, so I'm just if she'll go live. 685 00:44:28.960 --> 00:44:31.440 What she goes live a lot with her book relieves O. I know 686 00:44:31.599 --> 00:44:36.639 you know Katie. She's an amazing lady. But if you guys really are 687 00:44:36.760 --> 00:44:39.320 sitting getting to know Katie and learning more about her journey, you need to 688 00:44:39.400 --> 00:44:45.679 check out this week's episode of the amazing entpreneurs podcast because she was the guested 689 00:44:45.559 --> 00:44:50.400 on the amazing entpreneurs club and it was an amazing conversations. Honestly, it's 690 00:44:50.480 --> 00:44:52.920 one of my favorite so far. So go check out Katie's interview. Is 691 00:44:52.960 --> 00:44:58.639 really good on amazing entrepreneurs club podcast. That's correct. I'M gonna have to 692 00:44:58.679 --> 00:45:01.000 go on there. Sees you your faith. You mean you haven't been listening. 693 00:45:01.119 --> 00:45:04.360 I'M gonna have to go listen to it. I've being I do. 694 00:45:04.480 --> 00:45:07.039 I mean, you know what, either I'm a consumer I'm a produce. 695 00:45:07.360 --> 00:45:09.519 All right, which one am I this week? You know what, I've 696 00:45:09.559 --> 00:45:13.719 been listening. Like I see our friend John Wiley down in the audience here 697 00:45:13.760 --> 00:45:16.360 on clubhouse and I just hats off to him. I mean he runs daily 698 00:45:16.800 --> 00:45:21.679 radio and I'm just after run a daily show for five days. I'm like, 699 00:45:21.840 --> 00:45:25.760 Dude, hats off to you, crushing it like incredible, you know, 700 00:45:27.039 --> 00:45:30.119 all that kind of stuff. So that's hats off to anybody who does 701 00:45:30.199 --> 00:45:34.559 daily Yard Jimmy has them on stage, even though he's not on stage. 702 00:45:35.159 --> 00:45:38.719 Yep, have power like that. All right, that's awesome. And Billy, 703 00:45:40.920 --> 00:45:45.159 you're the gentleman with the one sheet pro Tom. Thank you. It 704 00:45:45.280 --> 00:45:52.599 was perfectly timed because I was putting together a solution set for a client about 705 00:45:52.920 --> 00:45:55.119 taking their show to the next level in terms of publicity, and that is 706 00:45:55.159 --> 00:45:59.519 one of the things that I included as an option as want of for, 707 00:46:00.039 --> 00:46:01.199 you know, one of the programs. So anyways, I thought that was 708 00:46:01.239 --> 00:46:04.920 a really great idea. was so well time to thank you. Awesome. 709 00:46:05.159 --> 00:46:07.920 Yep, well, he's listening. He is actually comment to go over here 710 00:46:07.079 --> 00:46:12.320 on facebook. So, Brent, hope you heard that and it's going out 711 00:46:12.320 --> 00:46:15.280 there. So good one. She got pro in and get your one sheet 712 00:46:15.360 --> 00:46:19.519 ready. And next week, just want to remind you we got several shows 713 00:46:19.559 --> 00:46:21.679 coming up. I don't have anybody on for Monday, but we're going to 714 00:46:21.719 --> 00:46:24.119 be here Monday. I'll figure it out over the weekend and make an announcement. 715 00:46:24.239 --> 00:46:30.559 But Tuesday get overcoming creative mental block with Aaron little. We see where's 716 00:46:30.599 --> 00:46:32.639 where's this last name? I don't have it on here. Some guy named 717 00:46:32.679 --> 00:46:36.159 Aaron. Just be here. Okay, two o'clock. It'll be awesome. 718 00:46:37.119 --> 00:46:39.880 And then we have our friend Alex, who's going to be sharing with us 719 00:46:39.920 --> 00:46:43.599 on Wednesday. How do you learn how to create, which I thought was 720 00:46:43.599 --> 00:46:45.320 an interesting topic, you know, how do you learn how to do this? 721 00:46:45.679 --> 00:46:50.519 And then hopefully Katie Brinkley and I I got to confirm after this call, 722 00:46:50.599 --> 00:46:52.320 which she's on here, so we can confirm, that we're going to 723 00:46:52.400 --> 00:46:59.440 do a live show and we're going to be talking about social audio and podcasting 724 00:46:59.719 --> 00:47:01.760 and all that kind of fun stuff. So be sure. Those are the 725 00:47:01.840 --> 00:47:07.360 three shows I got scheduled. Sid belled on me next Friday, but producer 726 00:47:07.480 --> 00:47:09.119 Jimmy is, fingers cross, going to be back with US talking about how 727 00:47:09.159 --> 00:47:13.880 you properly launch your podcast. So I've got a full week next week. 728 00:47:14.000 --> 00:47:22.000 I built on you today. Yeah, yeah, but let's let's be on 729 00:47:22.119 --> 00:47:25.000 it. Next week. I'm going to be in New Orleans celebrating a friends 730 00:47:25.079 --> 00:47:29.760 fifty birthday, Jimmy, and you be at a clock's boils. So I'm 731 00:47:29.800 --> 00:47:31.840 not doing a live stream with billy. You know what crosit? I can 732 00:47:31.920 --> 00:47:37.239 be here at SID is not a real he's not real creator, right like 733 00:47:37.519 --> 00:47:40.199 all of our friends. If you're real creator, they all live on the 734 00:47:40.239 --> 00:47:44.039 Internet and you're available all the time to be friends with DOLN. But Sid 735 00:47:44.159 --> 00:47:46.559 is actually a real person in real life, as real friends that do real 736 00:47:46.639 --> 00:47:50.199 stuff like. Give me a break. Okay, honey, I just need 737 00:47:50.239 --> 00:47:52.400 here to meet you. I need to be able to mute, because give 738 00:47:52.719 --> 00:47:55.719 me on my own show. What are we talking about? That's why I 739 00:47:55.719 --> 00:47:59.400 didn't make you a moderator, is because I know, I think, get 740 00:47:59.400 --> 00:48:01.719 putting the eyes and see what well going on here. Well, everybody, 741 00:48:01.840 --> 00:48:06.039 I really appreciate you guys jumping on. Thank you everyone for jumping on the 742 00:48:06.079 --> 00:48:08.159 stage. I hate to be semi in a rush, but I at a 743 00:48:08.280 --> 00:48:12.400 pointment. I got to get my wife too. She's gonna go float around 744 00:48:12.559 --> 00:48:15.679 in the ocean and she probably I can drink wine because we're on Kido, 745 00:48:15.840 --> 00:48:20.400 but she can eat some food and hang out with her friends. So I'm 746 00:48:20.440 --> 00:48:22.519 going to cut this one a little bit short today, but really appreciate everybody 747 00:48:22.760 --> 00:48:27.280 and tune in next week and come join the conversation. It's gonna be super 748 00:48:27.480 --> 00:48:31.519 amounts of fun and we do a QA after every interview. So if you 749 00:48:31.760 --> 00:48:36.159 want, if you have questions or whatever, or maybe have some preloaded questions 750 00:48:36.199 --> 00:48:38.800 from the subjects I talked about, feel free to come on there and maybe 751 00:48:38.840 --> 00:48:42.280 I can get said to not hang out with his real friends. Can I 752 00:48:42.480 --> 00:48:45.519 hang out with his virtual friends? Yeah, I don't know what we're going 753 00:48:45.559 --> 00:48:46.320 to do with you. Said I will. Maybe I come on Monday. 754 00:48:46.320 --> 00:48:49.239 I don't know, I have to look at my calendar. All Right, 755 00:48:49.360 --> 00:48:52.679 well times. That is all from us. I really appreciate you, guys, 756 00:48:52.920 --> 00:48:53.760 and thanks for watching. We'll see you next week.